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📋 Datapack Tags

This page describes the various datapack tags used by Scorchful. It includes both new tags added by Scorchful, and tags from Thermoo that Scorchful appends to.


This page reflects the latest set of tags available for Minecraft 1.21.1. Items documented here may not necessarily reflect what appears in an older version of Scorchful. Starting from Scorchful 0.15, removed options will be documented in Removed Tags.


Items marked with [DG] are data generated, and so their definitions are found in src/main/generated/data/. All other tags are defined in src/main/resources/data/.

Armor Material Tags

Location: data/(scorchful|thermoo)/tags/armor_material.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
scorchful:heat_neutral All armor materials that provide no heat resistance buffs or debuffs Chainmail and gold
thermoo:resistant_to_heat All armor materials that provide heat resistance buffs Netherite and Armadillo
thermoo:very_resistant_to_heat All armor materials that provide strong heat resistance buffs Vanilla turtle and Scorchful turtle
thermoo:weak_to_heat All armor materials that provide heat resistance debuffs Iron, Diamond, Leather

See the Config file page for how to customize the heat resistance values.

These tags will apply a scorchful:frost_resistance component to any new stacks created with these tags that does not already have this component. Editing these tags and reloading will not update existing stacks.


These tags are deprecated, it is preferred that you use a the scorchful:frost_resistance component to modify attributes of custom armours instead.

Block Tags

Location: data/scorchful/tags/block.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
scorchful:heavy_ice What ice blocks can provide a 'cool floor' effect All ice blocks
scorchful:nether_lily_can_absorb_water What blocks that Nether Lillies can absorb water from when placed on in the Nether Rooted Nylium, Rooted Netherrack, Rooted Dirt
scorchful:nether_root_replaceable What blocks Rooted Nylium can replaced when generating a Nether Lily patch Netherrack, Nylium, Rooted Nylium
scorchful:sand_cauldrons The sand cauldrons Sand Cauldron, Red Sand Cauldron
scorchful:sand_pile_can_survive_on What blocks sand piles can be placed on Honey Blocks, Soul Sand, Mud, other blocks that Snow Layers survive on
scorchful:sand_pile_cannot_survive_on What blocks sand piles can NOT be placed on Barrier blocks
scorchful:sand_piles The sand pile blocks Sand Pile, Red Sand Pile

Entity Type Tags

Location: data/(scorchful|thermoo)/tags/entity_type.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
scorchful:crimson_lily_hurts What entities that Crimson Lillies will hurt when stepped on Endermen, as well as enties extra suseptible to cold and entities that benefit from heat
scorchful:does_not_slow_in_sandstorm Entities that are not slowed by the wind of a Sandstorm Camels and Bosses
thermoo:benefits_from_heat Entities that benefit from being warm Striders, Blazes, Magma Cubes, as well as enties extra suseptible to cold
thermoo:heat_immune Entities that are fully immune to heat Husks, Camels, Wither Skeletons, Ghasts, and Bosses
scorchful:unbendable_mind A base tag for entities that cannot be affected by illusion magic Ender Dragons, Withers, Wardens, Elder Guardians, Phantoms
scorchful:immune_to_fear Entities that are immune to Fear #scorchful:unbendable_mind

Item Tags

Location: data/scorchful/tags/item.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
Water based tags Determines how much water to give (or take) from the player when they consume certain food/drink See below
scorchful:is_sun_protecting_hat Items that, when worn in the Head slot, provide a shade effect similar to the Sun Hat Sun Hat
scorchful:sand_piles The sand pile items Sand Pile, Red Sand Pile
scorchful:turtle_armor The turtle armor set All Turtle Armour items, including the vanilla Turtle Helmet
scorchful:is_cooling_food Directly applies cooling to players when consumed Ice creams from Let's Do Beachparty, and Icicles from Immersive Weathering
scorchful:blocks_rain_when_holding Blocks soaking effects from rain when held in main or off hand Umbrella items from Origins: Umbrellas and Artifacts

Food and Drink Thirst Replenishing Items

List of food and drink items that provide water by default in Scorchful
Food or Drink item Water provided
Water Bottles and Potions Hydrating (300)
Water Skin Hydrating (300)
Bottle of Cactus Juice Hydrating (300)
Ominous Bottle Hydrating (300)
Bucket of Milk Hydrating (300)
Bottle of Milk (Farmer's Delight) Hydrating (300)
Hot Cocoa (Farmer's Delight) Hydrating (300)
Melon Juice (Farmer's Delight) Hydrating (300)
Apple Cider (Farmer's Delight) Hydrating (300)
Melon Slice Sustaining (120)
Mushroom Stew Sustaining (120)
Rabbit Stew Sustaining (120)
Beetroot Soup Sustaining (120)
Suspicious Stew Sustaining (120)
Beef Stew (Farmer's Delight) Sustaining (120)
Chicken Soup (Farmer's Delight) Sustaining (120)
Vegetable Soup (Farmer's Delight) Sustaining (120)
Fish Stew (Farmer's Delight) Sustaining (120)
Pumpkin Soup (Farmer's Delight) Sustaining (120)
Baked Cod Stew (Farmer's Delight) Sustaining (120)
Noodle Soup (Farmer's Delight) Sustaining (120)
Soups and Stews from most other mods Sustaining (120)
Apple Refreshing (60)
Golden Apple Refreshing (60)
Enchanted Golden Apple Refreshing (60)
Raw Cod Refreshing (60)
Raw Salmon Refreshing (60)
Raw Tropical Fish Refreshing (60)
Pufferfish Refreshing (60)
Sweet Berries Refreshing (60)
Glow Berries Refreshing (60)
Carrot Refreshing (60)
Golden Carrot Refreshing (60)
Potato (raw) Refreshing (60)
Beetroot Refreshing (60)
Melon Popsicle (Farmer's Delight) Refreshing (60)
Vegetables from most other mods Refreshing (60)
Fruits from most other mods Refreshing (60)
Raw Fish from most other mods Refreshing (60)
Berries from most other mods Refreshing (60)

Biome Tags

Location: data/scorchful/tags/worldgen/biome

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
scorchful:has_feature/crimson_lily_patch Which biomes Crimson Lily patches generate in Crimson Forest
scorchful:has_feature/sparse_crimson_lily_patch Which biomes Sparse Crimson Lily patches generate in Nether Wastes
scorchful:has_structure/warped_lily_farm Which biomes Warped Lily Farms generate in Warped Forest
'Heat vision' tags Controls the biomes of the various Heat Visions See Heat Visions for a more detailed breakdown
scorchful:has_red_sand_storms Which biomes should have Red Sandstorms All badlands-like biomes
scorchful:has_regular_sand_storms Which biomes should have regular Sandstorms All Desert-like biomes
scorchful:is_climate/* [DG] Set the biomes for each climate See temperature system page
scorchful:is_not_climate/* [DG] Excludes biomes from a particular climate See temperature system page
scorchful:is_extreme_humidity [DG] Biomes that have extremely high or extremely low humidity Rainy Climates, Arid Climates, and Caves
scorchful:is_never_warm [DG] Biomes that are never warm Empty

Environment Providers

Location: data/scorchful/tags/thermoo/environment_provider.

Environment Provider is a custom registry, defined in Thermoo.

Tag ID Description Default values (summarized)
scorchful:humidity_modifiers [DG] Set humidity for overworld biomes Set climate humidity, set humidity for weather
scorchful:nether_modifiers [DG] Sets humidity and adjust temperature for nether biomes Set nether humidity, add temperature for block light
scorchful:temperature_modifiers [DG] Sets humidity and adjust temperature for overworld biomes #scorchful:humidity_modifiers, set temperature for shade

Removed Tags

Starting from Scorchful 0.15, removed tags will now be documented here.

Biome Tags

Tag ID Description Removed versions Replacement
Seasonal Temperature tags Which tags are used to define warm and scorching biomes, depending on the current season 0.15 #scorchful:is_climate/* and #scorchful:is_not_climate/* tags
scorchful:humid_biomes Which biomes are 'humid' in the temperature system 0.15 #scorchful:is_climate/rainy
scorchful:temperature/is_never_warm Which biomes are never warm, regardless of season 0.15 scorchful:temperature/is_never_warm