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⚙️ Config File

The Scorchful Config file is a bit of a beast, but this guide will help walk you through what each of the options do. Items marked with ⭐ are the "important" options that are fairly straightforward and are the ones you most likely will be wanting to adjust.


Items that are most relevant to mod pack authors have been marked with ⭐


This page reflects the latest version of the config for Minecraft 1.21.1. Items documented here may not necessarily reflect what appears in an older version of Scorchful. Starting from Scorchful 0.15, removed options will be documented in Removed Config Options.

Update Config

The update config is used to enable or disable automatic config updates when significant changes are made to the default config values.

  • Current config version currentConfigVersion: This just saves the current version of the config, you should not touch this.
  • ⭐ Enable config auto updates: Whether to allow the config to reset itself whenever the config is out of date. For most modpacks, I'd recommend turning this off.

Client Config

Config options that relate to various client-sided effects. Note that while this section appears on dedicated servers, changing it there has no effect on players.

  • Do burning heart overlay doBurningHeartOverlay: Enable/disable the burning heart overlay temperature indicator
  • Do soaking overlay doSoakingOverlay: Enable/disable the soaking overlay on the health bar
  • Do Sun Hat shading: doSunHatShading: Enable/disable the shading effect of wearing a Sun Hat
  • ⭐ Enable sound temperature effects enableSoundTemperatureEffects: Used to enable/disable the heartbeat sound when warm.
  • Enable drip particles when wet enableWetDripParticles: Enable/disable the drip particles when wet
  • ⭐ Enable heat stroke post processing enableHeatStrokePostProcessing: Enable/disable the blur and wobble effects of Heat Stroke. May improve performance on low end PCs
  • ⭐ Enable fear post processing enableFearPostProcessing: Enable/disable the desaturation effects of the Fear status effect
  • Sun Hat shade opacity sunHatShadeOpacity: Controls how dark the sun hat shading is
  • ⭐ Enable sandstorm particles enableSandstormParticles: Enable/disable dust particles during Sandstorms
  • ⭐ Enable sandstorm fog enableSandstormFog: Enable/disable the dense fog effect during Sandstorms
  • ⭐ Enable sandstorm sounds enableSandstormSounds: Enable/disable the wind sounds during Sandstorms
  • Sandstorm particle render distance sandStormParticleRenderDistance: How far from the camera to render sandstorm dust particles
  • Sandstorm particle rarity sandStormParticleRarity: How many sandstorm dust particles should appear, higher value = fewer particles
  • Sandstorm particle Z axis velocity sandStormParticleVelocity: How fast the sandstorm dust particles move
  • Sandstorm fog start distance sandStormFogStart: How far away to start rendering sandstorm fog
  • Sandstorm fog end distance sandStormFogEnd: How far away to stop rendering sandstorm fog

Heating Config

Server-side options for temperature and heating.

  • ⭐ Do passive heating doPassiveHeating: Enable/disable passive environmental heating
  • ⭐ Passive heating tick interval passiveHeatingTickInterval: How many ticks should occur between applying heat to a player from the environment. Setting this to large values can be used to slow heat down.
  • ⭐ Max passive heating percent (0-1) maxPassiveHeatingScale: The maximum scale that the environment can heat heat players to. Given as a percentage from 0 to 1 (0 = 0%, 1 = 100%)
  • Enable Turtle Armor status effects enableTurtleArmorEffects: Enable/disable water breathing from Turtle Armor
  • ⭐ Min temperature for heat (in °C) minTemperatureForHeatC: Cutoff temperature for overheating in Celsius. Biomes at or above this temperature will apply environment heating to players. May not be less than 25°C.
  • ⭐ Degrees per temperature level increase (in °C/°K) degreesCPerTemperatureIncrease: Specifies the number of Celsius/Kelvin degrees the temperature must be above the minimum heat threshold for each one-point increase in player temperature per tick. Must be positive and non-zero.
  • Cooling from ice coolingFromIce: How much temperature to remove each tick that the player is standing on packed or blue ice
  • ⭐ Scorching biome heat increase scorchingBiomeHeatIncrease: How much to increase the environmental heating by when out in the Sun in a Scorching biome (Deserts and Badlands)
  • On fire warm rate onFireWarmRate: How much to increase the temperature of entities on fire each tick
  • On fire warm rate with Fire Resistance onFireWarmRateWithFireResistance: How much to increase the temperature of entities on fire each tick, when they have Fire Resistance
  • In lava warm rate inLavaWarmRate: The temperature change to apply to entities swimming in Lava each tick
  • Strider out of lava cool rate striderOutOfLavaCoolRate: The cooling to apply only to Striders each tick they are not in Lava
  • Powder Snow cool rate when warm powderSnowCoolRate: The cooling to apply to entities in Powder Snow each tick (only applies when their temperature is > 0)
  • Fireball strike heat fireballHeat: The amount of heat to apply to entities when struck by a fire ball / fire charge
  • Water breathing duration per worn piece of Turtle Armor (seconds) waterBreathingDurationPerTurtleArmorPieceSeconds: The amount of time to add to the dive water breathing per piece of turtle armor worn, in seconds
  • Temperature from cooling food temperatureFromCoolingFood: Temperature change to apply to players after eating items with the tag scorchful:is_cooling_food

Thirst Config

Server-side options for thirst and wetness.

  • ⭐ Temperature from Wetness temperatureFromWetness: How much temperature to remove from wet entities, each tick
  • Water from Refreshing food waterFromRefreshingFood: The amount of body water provided by consuming Refreshing food and drink
  • Water from Sustaining food waterFromSustainingFood: The amount of body water provided by consuming Sustaining food and drink
  • Water from Hydrating food waterFromHydratingFood: The amount of body water provided by consuming Hydrating food and drink
  • Water from Parching food waterFromParchingFood: The amount of body water removed by consuming Parching food and drink
  • Rehydration drink size rehydrationDrinkSize: The threshold for how much body water needs to be collected before Rehydration will automatically rehydrate the player
  • Soaking from Splash Potions soakingFromSplashPotions: How much soaking is applied when an entity is hit with any Splash Potion
  • Touching water or rain wetness increase per tick touchingWaterWetnessIncrease: How much to increase wetness by when touching water or rain each tick. Note that submerging yourself in water will fully soak you, regardless of what this is set to.
  • On fire dry rate onFireDryDate: How many wetness points to remove each tick when on fire
  • ⭐ Humid biome sweating efficiency humidBiomeSweatEfficiency: A multiplier for temperatureFromWetness when the humidity is in the range [65%, 80%). This applies to rainy climates like Jungles, Swamps, etc.
  • ⭐ Extra Humid biome sweating efficiency extraHumidBiomeSweatEfficiency: A multiplier for temperatureFromWetness when the humidity is at or above 80%. This applies to rainy climates like Jungles, Swamps during the Wet Season; to cave biomes; and to all non-arid biomes when it rains.
  • ⭐ Arid biome sweating efficiency aridBiomeSweatEfficiency: A multiplier for temperatureFromWetness when the humidity is at or below 20%. This applies to arid climates like Deserts, Badlands, and Savannas, as well as The Nether.
  • Maximum Rehydration Enchantment efficiency maxRehydrationEfficiency: Multiplier for rehydrationDrinkSize that controls the maximum amount of body water provided by a full suit of Rehydration armor

Combat Config

Server-side options for combat features in Scorchful.

  • ⭐ Fire Charge thrown type fireBallThrownType: One of SMALL, LARGE, or DISABLED. Controls what type of fireball is creating when throwing a fire charge. Small is just like firing from a Dispener and creates a fire on impact. Large is more like a Ghast and creates an explosion, and disabled disables this feature.
  • ⭐ Enable Desert Visions enableDesertVisions: Enable/disable Heat Visions
  • Fear detection range multiplier fearDetectionRangeMultiplier: How much to multiply an entity's (including players) hostile mob detection range by.
  • Impaling damage per level impalingDamagePerLevel: How much damage the Impaling enchantment should do to wet entities, per level of Impaling
  • Fire Protection heat resistance per level fireProtectionHeatResistancePerLevel: How much Heat Resistance the Fire Protection enchantment should give, per level of Fire Protection.

Weather Config

Server-side options for weather effects in Scorchful.

  • ⭐ Do Sand Pile accumulation doSandPileAccumulation: Enable/disable sand piles accumulating on the ground during sandstorms
  • Sand Pile accumulation height sandPileAccumulationHeight: Sets the maximum height of sand piles that can accumulate during sand storms. Maximum value is 8.
  • Sandstorm Slowness amount (percent from -1 to +1) sandstormSlownessAmountPercent: How much to multiply the total speed of entities on the surface by during Sandstorms. Negative values provide slowness, positive values provide speed.
  • Sandstorm Follow Range reduction amount (percent from -1 to +1) sandstormFollowRangeReductionPercent: How much to multiply the total follow range of entities on the surface by during Sandstorms. Negative values decrease follow range, positive values increase it.

Mod Integration Config

Options for mod integrations in Scorchful.

Dehydration Config

Options for integration with Dehydration.

  • ⭐ Minimum water level required for sweating minWaterLevelForSweat: The minimum number of water points needed to be able to sweat (similar to how much hunger you need to heal)

Removed Config Options

These reflect the removed config options from Scorchful, and their replacements (starting from Scorchful 0.15).

Combat Config

  • Default armor piece heat resistance defaultArmorHeatResistance: The default Heat Resistance to apply to all armor pieces that are not explicitly overridden
  • Very warm armor piece heat resistance veryHarmfulArmorHeatResistance: The amount of Heat Resistance to apply to very warm armor pieces (such as Fur Armor in Frostiful)
  • Thermally protective armor piece heat resistance protectiveArmorHeatResistance: The amount of Heat Resistance to apply to protective armors, such as Netherite
  • Very thermally protective armor piece heat resistance veryProtectiveArmorHeatResistance: The amount of Heat Resistance to apply to very protective armors, such as Turtle

Heating Config

  • Minimum sky light level for heat minSkyLightLevelForHeat: The minimum sky light level that will start to apply environmental heating
  • Heat from the Sun heatFromSun: How much environmental heating to apply from the Sun every tick
    • Removed in 0.15
    • Replaced with the environments scorchful:temperature/scorching_climate, scorchful:temperature/warm_climate, and scorchful:temperature/temperate_climate.
  • Sun Hat shade temperature change sunHatShadeTemperatureChange: The temperature change to apply to players wearing a Sun Hat in Scorching Biomes each tick
  • Light level per heat increase (in The Nether) lightLevelPerHeatInNether: How many light levels correspond to a +1 increase in passive temperature, in The Nether
    • Removed in 0.15
    • Replaced with the environment scorchful:hell.
  • Minimum light level for heat (in The Nether) minLightLevelForHeatInNether: The minimum light level to begin facing heat, in The Nether
    • Removed in 0.15
    • Replaced with the environment scorchful:hell.
  • Blocks above Lava Ocean per heat increase (in The Nether) blocksAboveLavaOceanPerHeatInNether: How many blocks above the lava ocean correspond to a +1 increase in passive temperature, in The Nether
    • Removed in 0.15
    • Replaced with the environment scorchful:hell.
  • Maximum heat from Lava Ocean (in The Nether) maxHeatFromLavaOceanInNether: The maximum passive heat that the Lava Ocean can create, in The Nether
    • Removed in 0.15
    • Replaced with the environment scorchful:hell.

Thirst Config

  • Dry rate dryRate: How many wetness points to remove each tick when not in contact with water
    • Removed in 0.15
    • No replacement, hardcoded to be handled by Thermoo directly.

Mod Integration Config

Seasons Config

  • Enable seasons integration enableSeasonsIntegration: Toggles seasons integration. If set to false, Scorchful will treat all biomes as if it were Spring.
    • Removed in 0.15
    • Replaced with the thermoo:seasonal/temperate and thermoo:seasonal/tropical environment provider.
  • Wet Season humid biome sweat efficiency wetSeasonHumidBiomeSweatEfficiency: How efficient sweating is during the Wet Season in humid tropical biomes. This feature is exclusive to Serene Seasons.
    • Removed in 0.15
    • Replaced with thirstConfig/extraHumidBiomeSweatEfficiency
  • Dry Season humid biome sweat efficiency drySeasonHumidBiomeSweatEfficiency: How efficient sweating is during the Dry Season in humid tropical biomes. This feature is exclusive to Serene Seasons.
    • Removed in 0.15
    • Replaced with thirstConfig/aridBiomeSweatEfficiency