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Component Types

This page documents the various component types added by Scorchful.

Item Components

This is a new component type added for items. For the full format in Vanilla, see:

Drink Level

Sets how much water this item should restore to players when consumed. This does not apply if a thirst mod like Dehydration is installed.

  • {} components: Parent tag.
    • E scorchful:heat_resistance: One of parching, refreshing, sustaining, or hydrating. The final water replenishing values are set by config.

Num Drinks

  • {} components: Parent tag.
    • I scorchful:num_drinks: Integer in the range [0, 16]. Used by the Water Skin item to determine how many drinks it has left.

Heat Resistance

This component adds Heat Resistance and Environment Heat Resistance attribute modifiers to items. This does not modify the underlying minecraft:attribute_modifiers component, it only applies modifiers when the item is equipped or displayed in a tooltip.

The attributes are documented on the Thermoo Wiki.

  • {} components: Parent tag.
    • {} scorchful:heat_resistance: A compound component.
      • D heat_resistance: The heat resistance value to add to the entity when this item is worn.
      • D environment_heat_resistance: The environment heat resistance value to add to the entity when this item is worn.

The final attribute modifiers are applied as an add_value modifier for the thermoo:generic.heat_resistance and thermoo:generic.environment_heat_resistance attributes with modifier IDs of scorchful:base_heat_resistance/${slot_id} and scorchful:base_environment_heat_resistance/${slot_id}, respectively.


These base values are not currently configurable. If you wish to have more fine-grained control over the item attribute modifier values, you will need to use another mod like Default Components to set the default value to 0 in this component, and then add a regular attribute modifier to the underlying minecraft:attribute_modifiers component using a mod like CIA or Default Components.

Default Item Heat Resistance List
Item/Armor tier Heat resistance modifier
All Chainmail Armor Neutral
All Golden Armor Neutral
All Iron Armor Harmful (-0.5 HR, -0.125 EHR)
All Leather Armor Harmful (-0.5 HR, -0.125 EHR)
All Diamond Armor Harmful (-0.5 HR, -0.125 EHR)
All Fur Armor (Frostiful) Very Harmful (-1 HR, -0.25 EHR)
All Fur Padded Chainmail Armor (Frostiful) Very Harmful (-1 HR, -0.25 EHR)
Ice Skates (Frostiful) Very Harmful (-1 HR, -0.25 EHR)
Armored Ice Skates (Frostiful) Very Harmful (-1 HR, -0.25 EHR)
All Netherite Armor Protective (+0.5 HR, +0.125 EHR)
Turtle Shell Very Protective (+1 HR, +0.25 EHR)
All other Turtle Armor Very Protective (+1 HR, +0.25 EHR)